1. Introduction
  2. Simple Types
  3. Lists
  4. Sorting
  5. Dicts
  6. Files
  7. Fetching Data from the Internet
  8. Simple Data Analysis
  9. Exercises
    1. Basic exercises
    2. OS Names API
    3. Life expectancy tables
    4. Copy special
    5. Log puzzle

Python Utilities

In this section, we look at a few of Python’s many standard utility modules to solve common problems.

File System – os, os.path, shutil

The os and os.path modules include many functions to interact with the file system. The shutil module can copy files.

## Example pulls filenames from a dir, prints their relative and absolute paths
import os

def printdir(dir):
    filenames = os.listdir(dir)
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dir, filename))
        print(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dir, filename)))

Exploring a module works well with the built-in python help() and dir() functions.

import os


Running External Processes – subprocess

The subprocess module is a simple way to run an external command and capture its output.

## Given a dir path, run an external 'ls -l' on it --
## shows how to call an external program
import shlex
import subprocess

def listdir(dir):
    args = shlex.split('ls -l ' + dir)
    output = subprocess.check_output(args)


An exception represents a run-time error that halts the normal execution at a particular line and transfers control to error handling code. This section just introduces the most basic uses of exceptions. For example a run-time error might be that a variable used in the program does not have a value (ValueError .. you’ve probably seen that one a few times), or a file open operation error because a file does not exist (IOError). Learn more in the exceptions tutorial and see the entire exception list.

Without any error handling code (as we have done thus far), a run-time exception just halts the program with an error message. That’s a good default behavior, and you’ve seen it many times. You can add a “try/except” structure to your code to handle exceptions, like this:

filename = 'does_not_exist.txt'
    with open(filename) as f:
      for line in f:
        print(line,end=" ")
except IOError as e:

Or you could write that in this way, if you prefer to keep error handling near the function that throws them:

    f = open(filename)
except IOError:
    with f:

The try: section includes the code which might throw an exception. The except: section holds the code to run if there is an exception. If there is no exception, the except: section is skipped (that is, that code is for error handling only, not the “normal” case for the code). The optional else section is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception.

HTTP – requests

The module requests provides url fetching – making a url look like a file you can read from. While Requests-html makes parsing HTML as simple as possible.

## Given a url, try to retrieve it.
## print its base url and its text.

import requests

def wget(url):
    r = requests.get(url)
    if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
        print(f"Problem opening URL ({url}) gave {r.status_code}")

# Fails due to HTTP 418 (teapot)


To practice the file system and external-commands material, see the Copy Special Exercise. To practice the requests material, see the Log Puzzle Exercise.

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